What Is Acanthosis Nigricans?


Once taken lightly and with little urgency, the growing prevalence of keratosis nigricans has stirred international attention to its severity, management, and treatment.

Acanthosis nigricans may be a disease of the skin that comes with a darkened and thickened fold of velvety skin that's boldly implanted on the skin. It occurs as folds, patches, and creases on the outer body surface, like the neck, groin, armpit, and personal areas.

It is a dermatological condition that's growingly prevalent among people with darker skin pigmentation. Among African Americans, the prevalence rate surges up to 13.5%. And it’s also very prevalent among obese patients as almost 74% of the world’s overweight or obese people experience this condition.

The blackish or brownish discoloration areas appear totally on the elbow, groin, neck, armpit, breast. thanks to increased thickness and pigmentation, the regions suffering from keratosis nigricans could seem to be like accumulated dirt along the skin’s natural lines.

First-ever Acanthosis Association

“The fear of the bullet kills faster than the gun” this ancient saying remains a stalwart truth. Many patients worldwide are usually frightened of this disease due to the shortage of proper education.

This skin condition is rare but can have both mild and dangerous consequences. My first encounter with this condition occurred with me. Many you'll have already read somewhere online that I even have this condition. i used to be first diagnosed with AN at the age of 16. I even have been ready to reverse the symptoms thanks to the creation of TRW weight loss plan and regular physical movement. there's still little or no research on this condition. I even have studied keratosis nigricans for several years and firmly decided to line up an association dedicated to raising awareness about AN disorder.

Today, many people round the world have positively been influenced by this initiative. And because the year goes by, our team is far more dedicated to expanding this tapestry to the public’s benefits.

And with the supply of varied tools, resources, etc. education, and enlightenment is formed available.

An informed person will make better decisions and stand a better chance of enjoying better health.

Acanthosis nigricans- Causes and Symptoms

Acanthosis nigricans may be a disease which will be congenital or acquired. Though only a few studies have comprehensively elaborated on the small print of this disease condition.

However, there some factors and conditions that are very peculiar to the present skin condition. Below are some health conditions and therefore the causatives of keratosis nigricans .


According to Medspace reports, quite half the adults that weigh greater than 200% of their ideal weight have skin conditions associated with keratosis nigricans .

This skin condition is very prevalent among the obese and overweight population. The obese and overweight automatically undergo specific physiological changes within the body, which triggers keratosis nigricans and dark patches.


 In 2000, the American diabetes association formally earmarked keratosis nigricans as an accurate indicator of diabetes, and this is often because, during this condition, there's a high-level insulin resistance, which frequently triggers the sort 2 diabetic condition.

 The patients of Type 2 diabetes are often found with folds of discolored and velvety skin. they're highly vulnerable to develop the AN disease.

Hormonal Problems

Hormonal problems or endocrine disorders are indeed one significant factor that always results in keratosis nigricans . However, Insulin resistance and Addison’s disease are both leading causes behind the keratosis nigricans .

However, the thyroid and therefore the pituitary disorder often cause this skin condition’s development.

In women, polycystic ovaries and cysts may occur thanks to hormonal imbalance, which may eventually cause keratosis nigricans . Especially pregnant women, more often, are susceptible to hormonal swings. As a result, experience symptoms of the AN disease like itching, patches.

Oral supplements and pills

Many oral supplements and pills do have severe side-effects on consumers. These side effects can cause the manifestation of uncomfortable symptoms and keratosis nigricans disease.

Pills like birth-control pills, high-dose niacin, and prednisone are but a couple of samples of supplements that trigger this abnormal skin condition.

Hormone therapy and continuous self medications create room for enormous vulnerability to the present disease.


Studies have revealed that cancerous tumors on internal organs just like the liver or stomach, ovary, and breast can cause you to develop keratosis nigricans disease; this tends to elucidate why many cancerous patients develop cysts, lumps, and other skin aberration.

Malignant acanthosis is caused by cancerous cells, which triggers the proliferation of the keratoconus cells.

Other Causes of keratosis nigricans 


Though no incontrovertible fact confirms this claim’s authenticity, there are some reasonable findings that keratosis nigricans are often transmitted from parents to children.

Sanitary conditions

The condition plays a big role in healthy living. a unclean environment enhances the expansion of dangerous micro bacteria, which successively causes gruesome skin conditions.

Treatment and Management therapy

Acanthosis nigricans, unlike many other diseases, don't have a particular treatment drug. However, this condition are often effectively managed, and overtime tends to heal off.

As a results of its delicateness, it's very Paramount that patients not only address the disease but effectively implore other management mechanisms for effective treatment.

Below may be a brief guideline;

Weight Reduction

Overweight and obesity are potent causatives of keratosis nigricans . To effectively eliminate this skin condition, there must be a drastic reduction in body mass index (BMI)

This reduction in weight often requires excellent discipline, exercise, and dietary regulation.

Cosmetic Application

There is a cosmetic angle to the present skin condition too. the utilization of some dermatological and topical creams helps in lightening of skin pigmentation. And treatment of the affected area. samples of 

Tropical Creams like Kenalog, gentamicin, etc. Are very useful in soothing and healing the affected area.

Intake of Supplements

The intake and absorption of vitamins and minerals like vitamin E , Vitamin K, Vitamin D, etc. help the skin pigmentation.

The abundance of this supplement within the body helps boost the immunity of the skin.


It is often said only the living can make a living. Our health is of great importance and requires adequate care. But more important than simply the treatment of skin conditions, proper education, lifestyle management, and other sorts of therapy must be implored during a bid to spice up our healthy living.

Fore More Info: Nia Rennix
